Karthika Pournami

Karthika Pournami
Karthika Pournami is happens throughout the Nov or Gregorian calendar month Months. Karthik Pournami is on Thursday sixth Nov in 2014. Karthik Pournami celebrated fifteen days once Diwali or Deepavali. Karthik Pournami is well known on the Purnima or Pournami (full moon) day that's the fifteenth day of Karthik Maas is named as Karthik Pournami. individuals celebrate festivals on the Pournami day square measure Raksha Bandhan, Buddha Pournami and Karthik Pournami. Karthik Pournami may be a Hindu, faith and Sikh holy competition. Karthik Pournami is additionally known as as Tripuri Poornima, Tripurari Purnima. God Shiva in his kind as Tripurantaka killed demon king Tripurasura (three demon sons of Tarakasur) and also the day is well known as Karthik Pournami.

Karthika Masam 2014:

As per North Indian Amavasyant calenders, Karthika masam starts on Swasthi Sri Chandramana Sri Vijayanama samvathsara Karthika Sudha Poudyami Friday twenty fourth Oct 2014 and ends on Sabbatum twenty second Gregorian calendar month 2014. consistent with  Purnimant calenders Karthika Masam begins on weekday ninth Oct 2014 and ends on weekday sixth Gregorian calendar month 2014.That is on Kathika Pournami Day. Karthika Masam is that the eight month consistent with the Hindu Calender. Karthika nakshatram falls throughout Purnima (full moon day) during this month therefore referred to as as Kathika Month. Karthika Chadic language Telugu calendar 2014 Shukla Paksha is from Friday twenty fourth Oct to weekday sixth Gregorian calendar month. Krishna Paksha is from Friday seventh Gregorian calendar month to Sabbatum twenty second Gregorian calendar month. ranging from Monday each evening at six.15 pm Aakasa Deepaardhana and Shiva Abhishekam are going to be performed. Kathika Month each Monday is devoted to Lord Shiva. Kathika Month is extremely auspicious and holy month in Hinduism. Karthika snan is taken into account extremely auspicious during this month.
Karthika Deepam
Kathika Month devotees observe abstinence particularly on Monday and thereon day Karthika somvar vrat are ascertained. within the evening devotes can visited lord Shiva Temples and light-weight the lamps within the front of the god and provide aarthi, prayers to the god. Lord Shiva temples are full of most of the devotes.

Kathika Month vital festivals celebrated during this month ar Diwali, Karthika Purnima, Karva Chouth, Nagula Chavithi, Gujarat twelvemonth and Dhanteras. Visiting the Lord Shiva temples are auspicious during this month.

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